Entries from ''
Subject line: “When you have a minute…”
My hands trembled as I typed the email requesting a private meeting in the conference room. An agonizing 20 minutes passed before my manager replied: “OK.” I knew he knew what I had to say, and I rushed past him and toward the conference room as soon as I heard his feet shuffling behind me….
A sentence-long letter is burning a hole through my purse
It’s lunch break at work, and I’m lounged across the backseat of my SUV, sweating in the blazing Florida sun, as I write this. Why? I’ve suddenly decided to give my notice today after lunch. There’s more than a month between now and my preferred final day of employment, and I worry about being prematurely…
So why “CompassWhistle?”
We are aware “CompassWhistle” is an odd name for a blog. For weeks, we Googled synonyms for “travel” and “journey,” researched travel-related quotes and scoured the dictionary for quirky, nonsense-sounding words. (Admittedly, we once harbored delusions of grandeur, imagining we’d hit upon the next one-word URL superpower like “Amazon.com” or “eBay.com.”) I compiled list upon…
I’m the reason you can’t find a single library book on Australia
I’m embarrassed to admit it, but ever since we started planning The Trip, I’ve become a bit of a library book hoarder. Our county’s library system consists of multiple branches, and I’ve come to realize that the one closest to our house – deep in the midst of Snowbird country — has been unofficially designated…
Are we crazy? Probably.
Purchasing one-way tickets to Fiji is probably the most irresponsible move either of us has ever made — or probably will ever make. Our timing, of course, is terrible. The country – and much of the world – is in financial dire straits. Unemployment rates still flounder in the stratosphere and job security is thin….