Entries from ''

Subject line: “When you have a minute…”

My hands trembled as I typed the email requesting a private meeting in the conference room. An agonizing 20 minutes passed before my manager replied: “OK.” I knew he knew what I had to say, and I rushed past him and toward the conference room as soon as I heard his feet shuffling behind me….

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A sentence-long letter is burning a hole through my purse

It’s lunch break at work, and I’m lounged across the backseat of my SUV, sweating in the blazing Florida sun, as I write this. Why? I’ve suddenly decided to give my notice today after lunch. There’s more than a month between now and my preferred final day of employment, and I worry about being prematurely…

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Third wheel

When prompted as a young child, my little sister would consider only two options for her future husband: “Daddy or Barkley.” Our father, of course, was spoken for thanks to Mom, and Barkley, well, Barkley was the family dog. Twenty or so years later, Barkley has passed along, and my sister has been forced to…

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On full alert for the best-dressed collection of cockroach corpses

During the past few years, I’ve developed a habit of obsessively researching our vacation destinations before we depart. If the world’s best ceviche or even the best-dressed collection of cockroach corpses just so happens to be nearby, I want to know about it and experience it before I leave. My failure to recognize Barcelona as…

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So why “CompassWhistle?”

We are aware “CompassWhistle” is an odd name for a blog. For weeks, we Googled synonyms for “travel” and “journey,” researched travel-related quotes and scoured the dictionary for quirky, nonsense-sounding words. (Admittedly, we once harbored delusions of grandeur, imagining we’d hit upon the next one-word URL superpower like “Amazon.com” or “eBay.com.”) I compiled list upon…

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I’m the reason you can’t find a single library book on Australia

I’m embarrassed to admit it, but ever since we started planning The Trip, I’ve become a bit of a library book hoarder. Our county’s library system consists of multiple branches, and I’ve come to realize that the one closest to our house – deep in the midst of Snowbird country — has been unofficially designated…

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Are we crazy? Probably.

Purchasing one-way tickets to Fiji is probably the most irresponsible move either of us has ever made — or probably will ever make. Our timing, of course, is terrible. The country – and much of the world – is in financial dire straits. Unemployment rates still flounder in the stratosphere and job security is thin….

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