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Free to a good home: 15-year-old halter top and “mature” capris

We’ve spent the last few days frantically packing up the house to make room for Him’s parents, my parents and other family members generously planning to stay in our home to take care of our three cats while we’re gallivanting across the globe. Throughout this process, I’ve noticed Him has taken to holding up random…

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Not quite the kitchen sink (but close)

It took me several hours, but I spent today (when I wasn’t chasing our resident squirrel away from the birdfeeder) weeding through the mountain of gear I’ve amassed during the last few months. Thanks to some incredible friends and colleagues at my former workplace, I had some great options to choose from, and I regret…

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Voicemail message from my mom

“Hey, this is Mom. I was just online, looking about germs when you are traveling, and it said the tables that you use behind the seats, on airplanes, are filthy. And the pockets behind the seats, where they have little magazines, are filthy. They said the bathrooms are filthy. And they said handrails – keep…

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“It’s Alive!”

Obtaining a life-size photo cutout of my sister to pimp out to potential suitors was not as easy as I anticipated. There are plenty of companies advertising such services online, but they charge upwards of $100, and the final product is cardboard and anything but portable. Local printing companies charged even more; one West Palm…

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Before Babies Bucketlist

My mom’s version of “The Talk” was sharing terrifying anecdotes about the dire consequences of sex: death from AIDS, ostracization from respectable society and – worst of all – pregnancy. Having a baby, she said, will completely scramble your life. It’s the end of all fun as you currently know it. “And if you get…

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From body bag to child’s sack pack

Within my family, I’m sort of notorious for my inability to pack light. As a pre-teen, I made up hotel beds with my own pillow and blankets lest any exposed skin come in contact with whatever bodily fluids the last occupants left behind. As a 19-year-old college student, I saw most of Europe at a…

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DIY passport photos

Ironically, one of my most vivid memories from our trip to Spain – the one during which Him ultimately proposed to me – is from our hours-long layover in Newark.  I remember absently gazing across the vast international terminal and ultimately settling my eyes on the gate adjacent to ours where cocoa-skinned women in colorful…

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Blowing the ole tin sandwich

My harmonica arrived today. Proud of his purchase, Him conspicuously placed the instrument on the kitchen counter so I would be sure to see it as soon as I arrived home. Conjuring up every image of Bob Dylan I could, I cupped my hands around the Hohner Special 20 and blew my first reedy shriek….

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Giving notice — His turn

Him has decided to give his notice tomorrow. I think he’s nervous. “If you were a manager, would you rather be told your employee is leaving in the morning or right before you go home for the day?” he asked me tonight. Hmmm. I didn’t know. “I think I’m going to do it in the…

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Calming the Voices of Reason

My mom is one of those “60 Minutes” mothers: She tunes into primetime news magazine shows, and I tune her out the next morning when she calls to warn me against plastic water bottles causing brain cancer and Nigerian princes maliciously soliciting bank account numbers. But in 2003, just after U.S. troops invaded Iraq, she…

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